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Politique de confidentialité
Personal Protection Privacy Policy of e-serifos.
This website is owned and operated by the company "LYSITELEIA Partnership" (hereinafter "LYSITELEIA"). LYSITELEIA recognize that many visitors to our site are concerned about the information they provide and how we use this information. For this reason, we have developed this Privacy Protection Policy to address those concerns. We may occasionally update this policy, so please check back occasionally.
Types of information we collect
At our site, we collect both personal data and aggregated data. Personal data are related to one individual user, eg name, address, telephone number, email address (e-mail), credit card number, etc.
We collect personal information only by individuals who provide us voluntarily and consciously, eg when registering on our site, or provide name and address and requesting follow-up contact with us. We do not ask you to register or provide this information to us as a condition for visiting our site or access its content.
Aggregate information relates to such things as how many consumers visit our site, which pages they access, what information they download, the type of web browser and operating system they use, the name of their Internet Service Provider (eg., Forthnet), and so forth. When you visit our site, we automatically collect this information, and combine it with similar information collected about all other visitors. By collecting this information, we learn how to best tailor our website to our visitors.
How data is collected
As noted above, personal information is collected from you directly and with your knowledge. Therefore, when you register on the site, we collect the information you provide. When you enter a promotion, we collect the data necessary to participate but also to fulfill our obligations to you. When you send us e-mail, we collect the e-mail address you supply, so we can answer.
We also collect aggregated non-personal information on an ongoing basis when you visit our website. The collection of this non personal information is done through technology "web beacons" (also called gifs' one pixel), as explained below.
Web Beacons
The Web beacons are Internet instrumentation that help us determine, for instance if a page has been visited. When you ask us to send you information on a promotion or a newsletter, we may use web beacons to determine how many of the e-mails we sent were actually opened.
In general, any electronic image viewed as part of a web page, including an ad type banner, can function as a web beacon.
Competitions and lotteries
Our site sometimes includes notices of special offers we make, and can allow you to enter electronically in some cases. If this occurs, we will use the information you provide in order to perform special offer (eg to get in touch with you if you're a winner). Within a reasonable time after the completion of the special offer, the personal data will be erased from our database, unless you agree and allow us to keep them and use them to get back in touch with you pursuant to the Greek Privacy Law / 2472/97.
Questionnaires and Surveys
We may occasionally ask visitors to complete surveys and opinion polls about their attitudes and interests. Our research helps understand your needs. If you participate in one of the surveys, you can be sure that we will not keep personal information about you in our databases.
How we use your personal information
If you have specifically agreed to regular contact with us or have requested to join the mailing list when making your registration, we may, from time to time, communicate with you. For example, we may send you marketing materials or advertising. We may also reply to your comments or requests for information. Or can we contact you if needed in the course of processing a product or service you requested through our website. In the e-mail section of our site, we ask for certain personal data, such as name and phone number. We use this information only if we need to come directly in contact with you, if our attempts to contact you by e-mail were unsuccessful. We do not use your e-mail for any purpose other than to respond to the message you've sent, unless we have your permission.
We also use your personal information as part of a sustained and intense efforts we expend, on the improvement of marketing and promotion methods. For these purposes, we analyze the use of Website. Furthermore, the use of the information you provide helps us to improve the features and our content. We may also use your personal information to send you material that is customized to your interests, such as we understand from the information you have given us and your activity on the site. This personalized material may include various categories such as recipes, banner, products and special offers. We do not collect personal information automatically, but we may combine non-personal information collected automatically (through cookies) with personal information that you previously submitted. The primary objective of LYSITELEIA, when collecting personal information, is to offer you a meaningful and customized experience while using our sites and our interactive, banner-type advertising.
Sharing and Data Transfer
We do not sell, transfer or disclose personal information we collect at our website to third parties without your prior consent.
Choice and Control
Final assessment of the personal data you provide on the site, remains in you. For example, you can always change your mind about our regular communication simply by sending us an e-mail.